Thursday, December 2, 2021

Diffusion of Innovations (Blog 9)

As technology has made rapid progression over recent years we've seen new adoption and innovation. Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, has lead the crusdade for auto innovation. Back in 2011 Tesla released it's first car the original Tesla Roadster. This car had the all electric battery but didn't include the revolutionary auto pilot that they're known for now. 

The customers of the oroginal roadster in 2011 would be considered pioneers or early adopters as they bought into this new technology. To spend a large chunk of money on an all electric car would've been considered risky due to the lack of extensive knowlege on battery technology and the incomplete charging infratructure that is needed to support the electric cars. 

The flagship Tesla Model S was first announced in 2012 and has been it's most widely produced vechicle since then. In 2014 the revolutionary autopilot was relased on the Model S that allowed the driver to take their hands off of the wheel and let the car drive for you. This is obviously one of the most revolutionary changes in automobiles since the production of the combustion engine. To convince people to buy the car and trust the autopilot first started with the tech savy enviormentalists who believed in the safety of the technology. These early adopters proved to the rest of the public that autopilot is safe as the technology continues to improve. The success early on convinced the early majority to buy in to the electric car movement as the infrstructure network and Tesla qualty has improved. 

As of 2021 more and more people are buying into the electric car and autopilot movement. More car brands have relseased their own version of autopilot so it's expanding beyond the Tesla brand. I don't believe we have moved passed the early majority stage in terms of autopilot due to the extreme trust you must put into the technology. I personally would not trust autopilot extensivly yet and would classify myself in the middle majority of the population. My mom owns a Volvo that offers the feature and I used the autopilot once and it almost drove me into a pond since it didn't turn quick enough. For electric cars I believe we are at a tipping point in terms of people beleiving in electric cars. As more and more car brands race to create their own electric cars i'm sure they'll be common sight on our roadways.  The biggest factor stopping people from buying electric I would assume is the incomplete charging network. If you went on a roadtrip you may have trouble finding a charging location where you wouldn't have an issue with gasoline vehicles. 

Overall, I do believe electric vehicles, espcially Tesla, have had qucik adoption of their product and I pressume that their popularity within the public continues to grow. The electric car market I believe is in hge early majority and I would pressume we are approaching the tipping point as the major car manufactors release their own electric vehicles. 

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