Tuesday, November 30, 2021

EOTO Presentations (Blog 6)

 Throughout the presentation, there was new technology that I was aware of but didn't know much about and others that I used daily, such as my cellphone. One presentation that I found particularly interesting was the podcast. Being a Spotify user I see podcasts being advertised on the app every day and their popularity has exploded in recent years. When thinking about new technology and the progression it's going I would have never expected this technology to be the one to explode in popularity. 

Before the presentation, I assumed a podcast was a simple audio recording of a few individuals talking about a subject.  Podcasts interest me because they are similar to radio talk shows but differ greatly in their delivery method. The radio reaches a much older audience and doesn't offer the on-demand functionality of a podcast. The on-demand consumption of podcasts is most likely the reason why it reaches a much younger audience. Younger people also like the function of a podcast because it gives them a voice to express their thoughts on a wide array of topics and issues. This was an important way for people to get their voices out but doesn't offer interaction with the listener which is a downside. 

Podcasts are a great way for your voice to be heard but not anything can be considered one. The podcast feed needs to be in RSS so platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Audible, and others can properly post your audio. This is somehting I didn't know that it had to be in this form to be considered a podcast. Overall, this form of media I only see to grow in popularity as more young people start to grasp on in for their voices to be heard in the crowded professional media environment.  

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Final Blog Post

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