Thursday, December 9, 2021

Privacy, Online & Off (Blog 7)

    As we continue to advance the use of technology in our everyday lives, some issues are raised with the security and use of our personal information. As a result, the tech companies and our own governments are surveilling their citizens to gain information on what is being conducted in the area and at specific locations. 

    Everyone is a target of surveillance, including our friends and family. Our older relatives, who may be considered a laggard and not technologically active, are also being surveilled through other means. Tech companies store our information such as faces, call records, internet searches, and other factors in their massive cloud storage while the government is tracking us through cameras mounted on street corners, police cars, toll booths, etc. We all have to consider what this information is being used for by the companies and government. They are holding onto our information for the reason that isn't entirely known to us. We know they use it to optimize searches and better their platform but is there another clandestine reason? Why is the government holding onto our info and tracking us through stingrays and tower dumps? These are some of the questions we need to be asking ourselves. 

    We can only truly protect ourselves from surveillance by speaking up against these practices to instill action. All surveillance will continue to happen no matter if we like it or not and there isn't a way to avoid it since modern life in America requires the use of technology for all facets of life. We need to speak up against these surveillance practices to our elected officials. This would be an upward challenge due to the government's history of spying on Americans and collecting data without warrants. Getting them to pass laws restricting the data tech can collect and store is what is needed desperately so this doesn't become the norm. 

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